UMID connects theory and practice, knowledge and action, business and customers as well as countries and people. A successful business management is not only market-oriented, but also connects outstanding products and services with customer’s needs, forms sustainable product placements and is orientated to a win/win/win principle, which is defined by a noticeable benefit for all stakeholders. With this attitude, UMID works future-oriented in the domestic market and especially in international markets with selected and extraordinary partners.

About us

At the foundation of the company in 2006, UMID set his focus on services like consultation, transfer of knowledge (seminars, workshops, lectures etc.) and national as well as international market analysis. As years past…

Products and Services

The key to success of national and international companies is based on the products and services offered. One factor of success of UMID is the correct choice of unique products/services which are imported and placed…


Only together you can face the variety and often challenging tasks of private and business life. UMID and its Partners…